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FAQ ProCoeur® ProCORIN

What does ProCoeur® ProCORIN do?
ProCoeur® ProCORIN is a spend management tool. It is basically a software that manages the procurement (purchasing) process in the company. It helps you to get the whole process under organized control. But it does more than this. It is a solution. It changes the way the organization thinks and people work. Of course, changes are not easy. And we will help you to go through this in an elegant, smart and efficient way.

Who is ProCoeur® ProCORIN made for?
ProCoeur® ProCORIN can be used just by any organization. Small or big. Simple or complicated structure. Our solution is so flexible that it can be customized to fit any size or complexity of your business. Company of 10 or 1.000 employees? No problem, choose the suitable User Program and we can handle. And you define how you want your procurement flow to be done. With this approach you get a solution that does 100% what you want. You will only pay for what you use.

Do you have more Versions?
Yes, the basic version is ProCORIN Standard which contains modules Request, Approve, Order and Receive. If you want to use CATALOGUE, than version ProCORIN Standard+ is the right one for you. Advanced version is ProCORIN Premium, which, in addition to version Standard contains also module Pay (module that processes Vendor Invoices) and offers some other advance functionalities like commitment reporting, link with budgets or connection to your ERP. Also this version can be extended with and CATALOGUE into version ProCORIN Premium+.

Can I upgrade to higher Version?
Yes, you can upgrade from Standard to Premium anytime. You can also add anytime CATALOGUE into your current version. You will be billed the upgrade price only starting the following month after the upgrade.

Do you offer more User Packages?
Yes, we do. We offer 4 User Packages (MINI, SMALL, LARGE, ENTERPRISE) which basically define how many users can be activated in ProCoeur® ProCORIN. Number of users are defined as ranges.

How are the Users counted?

Yeach User (e.g. Requester, Approver, Receiver or Invoice Receiver) is counted as one user. If a person performs more functions (e.g. Requestor and Receiver), that still counts as one user.

Do I need to be only a Czech company?

Certainly not. ProCoeur® ProCORIN will work everywhere. No country or type of business limitation, multiple countries can be captured together in one application as well.

What languages do you support?

Currently we support Czech and English. The software menus and commands are all in English. However, the output documents like formal Purchase Order will always come in your language.

How is ProCoeur® ProCORIN priced?

ProCoeur® ProCORIN is not a software that you just grab from the store and install. The price depends on many factors - size of the organization and complexity of the business, number of users, version of the product, degree of customization or portfolio of other services you choose from us. Give us call or write to us and we will give you an offer.

How do I pay for ProCoeur® ProCORIN?

You purchase a license to use our software. Then you can use it for the period stated in your license. That could be for 1 or up to 5 years. The fee is always billed annually. There are no other implementation fees, except if you opt to go for the Analysis phase of your current P2P process.

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