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We help you control and manage the Contract Flow in the company.


Intuitive Contract Management solution to manage the entire flow, verification, approval and archiving. For Contracts and Internal Policies.

What will we do:

  • Analyze your current Contract preparation flow and propose improvements

  • Analyze your current Policy preparation flow and propose improvements

  • Design and implement solution for management, preparation and archiving of Contracts

  • Design and implement solution for management, preparation and archiving of Internal Policies

  • Analyze your Contract and Internal Regulations policy

The deliverable (outcome) is clear Contract/Policy management process:

  • Deliver CODET (COntract DEvelopment Tool) and CERES (CEntral REgister of Contracts)

  • Deliver PODET (POlicy DEvelopment Tool) and CEPOR (CEntral POlicy Register)

  • Streamlined Contract and Policy development and archiving

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