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Vit Lustinec

Vit has 20 years of proven experience in various finance management positions of global firms, mainly in healthcare sector, that including more than 10 years working as a CFO of large multinational pharmaceutical companies, both in the Czech Republic and abroad. Vit‘s expertise is in finance management, planning, controlling & reporting, procurement, accounting & taxes and financial compliance. He is active also as a finance consultant supporting various projects, e.g. ERP implementations, organization or process transformation, internal controls/SOX development, M&A activities, tax optimization. Vit is also active as interim finance manager.


Mobile: +420 603 458 522

Miloslav Bustík

Miloslav is recognized IT expert with many years of experience in various IT areas (user & company support and helpdesk, IT management, programming, projects and solutions, consultancy), most of them in international (healthcare and pharmaceutical) companies. His domain is to project and develop so called local applications, support or add some extra customized tools which can cooperate with other corporate systems (finance, business, customer support, etc.).


Mobile: +420 603 577 473

External team members

We are ready to offer the services of other professionals on a project, interim, part-time, temporary, advisory or management consulting bases. In the area of Finance, Controlling, Procurement or IT.


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